## Travallar - Vacations on your schedule
RPG based microservices for IBM i.\
[Visit repository](https://sitemule.dev/sitemule/public/demos/i-ug-uk/travallar/rpgservice)
**Redis REST**;\
Microservice to access Redis using REST API.\
[Visit repository](https://sitemule.dev/sitemule/public/demos/i-ug-uk/travallar/node-redis-rest)
**Auth service**;\
Microservice to authenticate a google use using OAuth2\
[Visit repository](https://sitemule.dev/sitemule/public/demos/i-ug-uk/travallar/authservice)
**Calendar service**;\
Microservice to access google calendar, and ILEastic service\
[Visit repository](https://sitemule.dev/sitemule/public/demos/i-ug-uk/travallar/calendar)
**Frontend website**;\
Simple EJS frontend, to tie things together\
[Visit repository](https://sitemule.dev/sitemule/public/demos/i-ug-uk/travallar/website)
## [View demo site](https://travallar.proxy.sitemule.com) - [Visit main travallar repo](https://sitemule.dev/sitemule/public/demos/i-ug-uk/travallar)
# About Travallar
This is a demo of integrating OAuth2, Google Calendar API and IBM i (IBM Power Systems) together, to create added value to custom business data
We will demonstrate how using a microservice architecture can extend your current business with added value from external source data, such as that available from google.
This demo utilises web standards like OAuth2, and opensource frameworks where available such as redis and nginx ce.
It is a proof of concept, regarding using microservices in different languages, to obtain the easiest path to a goal.
It is our belief that separating monolithic code into smaller services, simplifies long term maintenance and makes for a more fault tolerant codebase.
As such it uses Node.js where web and JSON are the main factors, Spring Boot where a Java API or JDBC is preferable, and ILEastic to access IBM i data
No effort has been made in regards to code optimization, and the demo code is provided purely as-is with no warranty or support.
A talk and demo of this project will be presented at i-UG-UK, International i-Power conference 2019
During the presentation, if time permits, we'll futher talk about devops, and how it can be utilities to remedy some of the complexity SOA, and indeed a microservices oriented architecture introduces.
Or get in touch, we're a happy bunch !!!
_built by_ [_system-method.com_](http://www.system-method.com)\
[nli@sitemule.com](mailto:nli@sitemule.com) and [jmc@sitemule.com](mailto:jmc@sitemule.com) |
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