# Get started using Python and FastAPI on IBM i.
First step is to switch branch to "Step-1"
After cloning the repository to your machine, type the following commands, pressing `Enter` after each line...
On the command line, type `git checkout -f Step-1`
Enter cloned folder
You should get a confirmation, similar to this
`cd fastapi`
Branch 'Step-1' set up to track remote branch 'Step-1' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'Step-1'
Make sure we are on the right branch ( -f to force )
Confirm folder has changed, by typing `ls -la`
`git checkout -f main`
Now to view the code, type `vim main.py` |
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Create a virtual environment for our project dependencies
`python -m venv .venv`
Enter the virtual environment
`source .venv/bin/activate`
Install the packages `wheel`, `fastapi` and `hypercorn`
`pip install wheel fastapi hypercorn`
Create our main python file
`touch main.py`
Anden open it in a editor
`vim main.py`
Proceed to next page |
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